In honor of NaBloPoMo, I've decided to fire up the blog again. And thanks to taking about a year off, I surely have something to talk about, right? (Actually, I always have something to talk about. The only question is whether it's worth reading.)
So, let's start with the business of my Lady Business. After all, it was pretty much last year's major theme.
After struggling for almost a year to hold onto my useless and mercenary Lady Business, I finally decided to have the whole shebang ripped out. I'm surprised my insurance company didn't suggest it themselves. "Hey you're not going to be using this stuff any more, right? Cause we're spending a lot of money, you know, trying to keep it under control. Just sayin'. No pressure."
So, I had the surgery. I was anemic when I went into the hospital, there were minor complications (adhesions which led to lots of cutting which led to lots of blood loss, and then a blood transfusion that didn't really take) and I was even more anemic when I came out. But I was hopeful for the future. Once I stop leaking iron out of my body, surely I'll have more energy, right? And once my ovaries are gone, surely my symptoms of polycystic ovarian disease will go away, right? So within a few months I'll be all energetic and have an easier time losing weight, right?
Huh. Turns out I can't blame everything on my body chemistry after all. I'm just fat and lazy in my own right. Bummer.
But at least I'm saving money on insurance copayments* and tampons.
*Will be proven wrong. Stay tuned.
Yes, I had my ovaries removed. I felt defensive about it at first, like I had to have a really good reason. But my GYN and my GP both agreed it was a good idea, so I felt vindicated. They were evil and needed to be destroyed.
The downside? So far, the only downside is that, after spending 6 weeks on the couch, I'm ready to retire. I kinda liked that.